Ants can be one of the smallest pests in your home, but they sure do a lot of damage and cause a lot of distress. From eating and contaminating food stocks to ruining structures and wirings, ants are pests that you don’t want to see infesting your home.


  • Ants have a segmented body with three main parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. Their body is covered in a hard exoskeleton, which provides protection and support. The exoskeleton is typically black, brown, red, or yellow in color, depending on the ant species. Ants come in various sizes, with worker ants typically being smaller than the queen and male ants. Worker ants can range from a few millimeters to a centimeter in length, while queens and males may be larger.

  • Many ant species are carnivorous and hunt other insects, spiders, and small arthropods. They use their strong mandibles to capture and kill their prey. Ants also have a sweet tooth and are attracted to sugary substances. They collect these sugary resources to bring back to the colony.

    Some ants feed on plant matter, including seeds, leaves, and fungi. They may cultivate fungi in their nests as a primary food source. They are also scavengers and will feed on dead insects, small animals, and decaying organic matter.

  • The life cycle begins with the laying of eggs by the queen. Ant eggs are tiny, oval-shaped, and typically white. After a few days, the eggs hatch into larvae. Larvae are legless, worm-like creatures that are entirely dependent on worker ants for food and care. Workers feed them regurgitated food and perform various tasks to care for them. The larva eventually pupates, forming a cocoon-like structure. Inside the pupa, the insect undergoes metamorphosis, and its body undergoes significant changes as it transforms into an adult. Once the transformation is complete, an adult ant emerges from the pupa. The lifespan of an adult ant can vary significantly depending on its role within the colony and the ant species but generally ranges from a few weeks to several years.


  • Ants can be found in various areas of a house or building, depending on the species, environmental conditions, and available food sources. Bathrooms provide moisture, which some ant species seek. They may nest in damp areas, such as under bathroom sinks, around pipes, or in wall voids near leaking fixtures.

    They are often attracted to kitchens as well because of the presence of food crumbs, spilled liquids, and food residues, and some species like carpenter ants, are known for nesting in wood.

  • Ants establish nests in various indoor locations, including wall voids, under floors, inside insulation, and even within furniture. The queen resides in the nest, laying eggs, while worker ants care for the brood (eggs, larvae, and pupae) and maintain the nest structure.

    Worker ants are also responsible for searching for food sources. They follow scent trails and can find their way to crumbs, spilled liquids, pet food, and other edible items.

  • As many other insects, ants are attracted to food sources. Therefore, they can contaminate stored food, making it unsafe for consumption. Certain ant species, such as carpenter ants, can cause structural damage to a home. Some species are attracted to electrical wiring and may chew on them, potentially causing electrical malfunctions or even fire hazards. Yikes.

    Ants may build nests in garden areas, lawns, or planters, disturbing the soil and potentially damaging the roots of plants. Also, their sting or bite may cause allergic reactions in some people, leading to painful reactions and, in rare cases, severe allergic responses. Some ant species are challenging to eradicate without professional pest control assistance, which makes their infestation even more threatening and severe.


Keep your home or building clean by regularly cleaning up crumbs, spilled liquids, and food residues. Ants are attracted to food sources, and a clean environment reduces their incentive to enter. It’s also important to keep food items in airtight containers or sealed bags. This prevents ants from detecting and accessing potential food sources. Seal trash bags tightly, and regularly empty trash bins.

Rinse recyclables and clean trash containers to remove food odors and repair any water leaks promptly, as ants are also attracted to moisture sources. This includes fixing dripping faucets, leaky pipes, and roof leaks.

If you have pets, don't leave their food out for extended periods. Pick up uneaten pet food and store it securely and clean your pet's food and water bowls regularly.

It is also good to seal cracks, gaps, and openings around doors, windows, foundations, and utility penetrations. Ants can enter through tiny openings, so thorough sealing is crucial.


Visual Observation

When trying to detect the presence of ants, one of the most straightforward methods is to rely on visual observation. Inspect areas in your home or building where you suspect ants might enter or forage. These areas typically include kitchens, bathrooms, pantries, and areas near doors and windows. Keep an eye out for the telltale signs of ant activity, such as the presence of trails. Ants often move in organized lines and by carefully watching these trails, you can identify where ants are entering your space and the paths they take to reach their desired food sources.

Ant Hills or Nests

Outdoors, ant nests are often conspicuous. You may encounter ant hills in your yard or garden, especially in sandy or loose soil. These mounds are the visible entrances to subterranean ant colonies. Ant nests can also be found in mulch beds or under rocks and logs. However, indoors, ants are crafty at concealing their nests. They may establish colonies within wall voids, under floors, in insulation, or behind baseboards. Locating indoor nests may require professional pest control expertise and equipment, as it often involves drilling holes or using specialized cameras to access hidden spaces.

Auditory Clues

While visual cues are the most common way to detect ants, auditory clues can also play a role in identifying their presence. Some ant species, especially when disturbed or agitated, produce faint rustling or clicking sounds. These sounds are often a result of the ants' movement or interactions with each other. While not always easily audible, these auditory clues can provide an additional layer of confirmation that ants are present in your environment. Listening attentively in quiet areas where you suspect an ant’s activity can sometimes help you pinpoint their location.


There are several methods to eliminate ants, regarding of their species. Whether by heat treatment, with baits or specially designed traps, our technicians will use the most effective method according to your needs and the space to be treated. Rest assured that we will eliminate cockroaches for sure in order to allow you to find a normal rhythm of life.

Heat Treatment

An ant infestation can be destroyed with athermal treatment. This involves exposing the ants to a very high temperature. Since these insects cannot survive more than 57OC, heat treatment is an effective technique for eliminating them, regardless of their stage of life. Heat treatment is scientifically proven, safe and chemical free. In addition, most of the time, cockroaches are eliminated in a single treatment and you can return to your home or premises the same day, since this method leaves no residue and is safe for your health.

Ants infestations can be hard to control and identify. For their extermination, it is best to trust our professional exterminators since effective management of cockroaches requires thoroughness and caution.

First and foremost, our certified technicians analyze the nature and extent of the problem in order to offer the appropriate extermination treatments:

  • Fast, safe and efficient heat treatment

  • Elimination of parasites with the use of cutting-edge baits and powders;

  • Elimination of sources of infestation

  • Weekly and guaranteed follow-ups.

Depending on your environment, the treatments selected by our exterminators take into account the health and safety of all occupants of the home, business or industry. We also implement effective prevention and follow-up programs.

Eliminate unwanted pests and protect your home or business by ensuring they don’t come back

At Axon Extermination, we’ll make sure to understand and assess your needs. Book your free, zero-obligation consultation today for a customized estimate for your specific needs.